
The Founders

Lorrin Arrington Savage

“Crafting has always been my creative outlet. I’ve done everything from cake decorating to scrapbooking, but I have to confess, quilting is my passion. I want future generations to experience the art form and visual relevance quilting has to offer.  I love expanding traditional quilting to create multidimensional and interactive works of art.  Whether it’s a traditional, abstract piece, or wearable, I don’t want quilting to be a lost art.  Quilting is an art form; authors use paper and pen, musicians use instruments and vocals, but there is something about the manipulation of fabric that reveals a beautiful fiber art quilt. Over the past years I’ve created photo quilts, traditional, historical, and patriotic quilts, but my most recent obsession is art quilts.”

Contact Lorrin here.

Cynthia Vaughn

“A journey of a million miles begins with a single step” ~ Chinese proverb

I began my sewing adventure by sitting on the floor next to my mom, using her scraps to create fabulous dresses for my dolls. Fabrics and fibers became my main art medium from those early days. In the 1990s, I launched into a self-taught quilt-making journey while living in Tacoma, WA. My education comprised checking out library books and studying quilt magazines. 

Making traditional quilts and learning the “Quilt Rules” is where I started my quilt creating. My quilting progress, and projects stalled for many years, while I worked full time and pursued my degree in Elementary Education. When I resumed quilting, Art quilts intrigued me. Quilters make art quilts to tell stories using fabric. Art quilters can manipulate fibers and fabric to express personal statements. I feel liberated because Art quilts have no RULES.

Today, I design blocks for group projects, construct both art and traditional quilts. I teach quilt classes. I have displayed my quilts in different shows including the International Quilt Show in Houston, Tx., and Quiltfolk magazine. I am the co-creator/designer of the first African American Sampler Quilt and co-moderator of a Facebook group with the same name. I look forward to curating quilt shows, encouraging quilters to expand their knowledge of this art form, and bringing new quilters to the table.

Contact Cynthia here.

Tomasita Louviere-Ligons

Since returning to quilting after 15+ years, my interest in quilting and fiber arts finds me making art at the intersection of creativity and diversity. Always curious, I’m constantly learning to make art that I love and enjoy sharing with family and friends. I’m excited about the opportunity to foster creative environments to inspire the community and future quilters to gather, share, learn and appreciate quilting and fiber arts beyond our current knowledge of quilting and fiber artists. 

Contact Tomasita here.

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